THINK Together is a non-profit organization that offers afterschool extended learning programs for schools throughout California. These afterschool programs provides homework help for students, as well as enrichment activities focused around English Language Arts, Math, STEM, Youth Development, and Arts.
To learn more about THINK Together, visit their site here:
THINK Together
To download an application see the sidebar or pick one up personally at Mira Loma's front office. Applications can be submitted to our front office.
THINK Together es una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece programas de aprendizaje extendido después de la escuela para escuelas de California. Estos programas después de clases proveen ayuda para los estudiantes, así como actividades de enriquecimiento enfocadas en Artes del Lenguaje Inglés, Matemáticas, STEM, Desarrollo Juvenil y Artes.
Para aprender mas sobre THINK Together, visite su sitio web aquí:
THINK Together Para descargar una aplicación, vea la barra lateral o recójala personalmente en la oficina de Mira Loma. Las solicitudes pueden ser recogidas y enviadas a nuestra oficina.
Tutoring Days and Hours:
Is your student having trouble keeping up? Does he/she seek a better understanding of the topics covered in class? We can help! Mira Loma offers after school tutoring three times a week, and once a week in the morning on the following days:
Tuesday-Thursday from 3:30 p.m.-4:20 p.m. & Thursday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding tutoring, feel free to contact the front office.